முதன்மை உள்ளடக்கத்திற்குச் செல்


செப்டம்பர் 14, 2009 இலிருந்து இடுகைகளைக் காட்டுகிறது

உவமை என்ற சொல்லின் சொற்பிறப்பியல்

In sanskrit, the word "उप upa" is an upasarga, which means; उप upa ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs and nouns it express- es towards, near to, by the side of, with, under, down (opp. अप). It is also said to have the senses of disease, ornament, command, reproof, killing, wish, resemblance &c. -2 As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns, it expresses direction towards, nearness, resemblance, relationship, contiguity in space, number, time, degree &c., but generally involving the idea of subordination or inferiority; Moreover the word in Sanskrit, मा 2 is a verb which means nothing but 1 To measure; -2 To measure or mark off, limit; -3 To compare with (in size), measure by any standard;-4 To be in, find room or space in, be contained or comprised in; The dictionary meaning of उप upa in उपमा upamā is under/lower and मा mā means to estmate. Therefore the meaning of उपमा should be under estimate and nothing else. like wise, उपमानम् should mea under estimation. The upasa...